1. Wesbury
  2. Laws
  3. Declaration of Occupation

Declaration of Occupation

Established by the Lord Admiral

title: Declaration of Occupation subtitle: Established by the Lord Admiral type: CONSTITUTION order: -1000 current: true

The articles herein denote the powers and duties of the Lord Admiral of the Admiralty of Wesbury, and of how and why they'll be protected and exercised.

Article 1: The Lord Admiral

The Lord Admiral has a duty to the realm: to protect, to cultivate, and to affect the betterment of the state, its people, and their combined interests; thus shall have powers unabridged except by the Declaration of Occupation to perform such duties and until such time as they abdicate or have been absent in their duties for a significant enough period not explainable by temporary and commonplace external preoccupations as to have in reality or in effect abandoned, wavered, or be considered no longer fit to serve.

Article 2: Governance

It is the duty of the Lord Admiral to ensure the proper function of the institutions of the state as to adequately refine the principles of fairness, liberty, efficiency, and the rule of law; that should those institutions become deficient or destructive of these ends, it is the duty of the Lord Admiral as well as the citizenry to alter or abolish it and establish new institutions as to them shall best affect the continuation of said principles.

Should there be no institutions of the state, the citizenry may submit a Petition of Assembly to the Lord Admiral to establish a Citizens' Assembly whereby legislation is passed via majority consensus of the citizenry. Until such time, the Lord Admiral can pass legislation by issuing Standing Orders.

Article 3: Territory

The territorial claims and borders of the Admiralty of Wesbury are sovereign and thus under the jurisdiction of the Lord Admiral to whom shall have final authority and discretion, whereas the lands and waters within those territorial claims and borders are subject to law as defined and enforced through the courts and the standard legislative process.

Article 4: Group Ownership

The Lord Admiral shall own all groups and services pertaining to national security, governance, and communication to ensure security and, where relevant, the proper transference of power.

Article 5: Amendments

Amendments to the Declaration of Occupation must first receive an adequately overwhelming consensus of the legislative institution(s) of the state before then receiving the consent of the Lord Admiral, who may refuse of the basis that the amendment undermines the effectiveness or the fundamental purpose of the Declaration of Occupation without the establishment of an adequate replacement.

Article 6: Supremacy

The Declaration of Occupation is supreme to all other laws. Any and all laws that come into conflict with the Declaration of Occupation shall be considered invalid.

Article 7: Jurisprudence

The supremacy of the Declaration of Occupation necessitates a Supreme Court to preside over any issues of Constitutionality. The Lord Admiral shall have sole discretion over the Supreme Court and its judges, who shall, in their verdicts, carry the authority of the Lord Admiral and the Declaration of Occupation.

Article 8: Entrenchment

Other laws may request and receive constitutionality and thus entrenchment through the same means as amending the Declaration of Occupation.